Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Best Remnant TV VIDEO... ever!

It seems like just yesterday that we featured Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant, talking about the latest stupidities emanating from the Vatican. [It was six days ago. Ed.] That was a fine video, but the one we're embedding today is even better. In fact, it may be (IMHO) the best video from down in the Catacombs that I have ever seen.

As Facebook blocks ads that include photos of the Vatican's weird Nativity scene -- for being sexually provocative! -- Mr Matt comments on this and other indicators that suggest a weakening of the gale force Modernist winds that have been blowing the Catholic Church off course for half a century or more.

Has Pope Francis gone too far? What are we to make of the latest news regarding Robert Cardinal Sarah? What about the New Mass? Has it contracted a terminal disease? Mr Matt thinks the winds of change are blowing this Christmas. They bring bad news, yes, but also clear signs of hope and a worldwide Catholic awakening.

Plus... you won't believe what William F. Buckley Jr thought of the Second Vatican Council and its New Mass. If I'd heard at the time what he said forty years ago, I'd have saved myself a lot of intellectual torment and emotional grief.

Dear Catholic readers, please listen up! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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