Friday, February 17, 2017

"I once knew a man from Nantucket..."

So said Homer Simpson in an episode, years ago, in which... Well, it doesn't matter. What matters in today's hectic world is to take time every day to have a good laugh. If you haven't heard or read any good jokes lately, open a book [Wat dat? Ed.] and read a few. It doesn't have to be a jokebook. How about a book of limericks? The limerick is an art form -- a blend of poetry and humour -- which seems to have been eclipsed by stand-up comedy which consists of political and ethnic insults.

We [Walt and Ed. Ed.] think it's time for something gentler. We have each contributed one of our favourite limericks, to wit:

There once was a man from Madras
Whose bollocks were made of rolled brass.
When they tinkled together
They played "Stormy Weather"
And lightning shot out of his ass.

There once was a man from Japan
Who wrote poetry no-one could scan.
When told it was so,
He replied, "Yes, I know,
"But I like to get as many words into the last line as I can."

Readers are invited to add their own favourites. No bonus for limericks about The Donald. And it doesn't matter because there are no prizes anyway. Click on the headline to open this post in a new window, and post your fave in the comments box. [I'm watching these for "language", so watch yours! Ed.]

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