Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Political correctness trumps free speech at Toronto Star

News from Toronto of an interesting coincidence. Over the last week or so, Canada has welcomed hundreds -- soon to be thousands -- of "refugees" supposedly fleeing the Muslim civil wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. The first planeload, welcomed by Prime Minister Himself Jr. and Ontario's proudly lesbian Premier Wynne at an off-limits terminal at Toronto airport, turned out to be mostly Armenians, but never mind.

Canada's lamestream media claim -- falsely -- that the "welcome refugee" programme enjoys widespread popular support. No media outlet, not even the state-owned CBC, says so louder than Toronto's most-read newspaper, the Toronto Star. Which figures. The Star is known to many as "The Red Star" for its unfailing support of all that's politically correct: Trudeau, Wynne, all other Liberals, all other liberals, the LGBTQ "community", the "community of colour", etc, etc and so forth.

Yes indeed. If you want to know what the liberal elites, "progressive thinkers" and chattering classes think, read The Toronto Star. But if you wanted to know what the real people think about, say, black crime or refugees or pro-queer sex education, you would have done better to check out the comments sections of the Star's online edition. Until today.

Today, the Red Star announced that there would be no more comments online, no more freedom to reply to the PC editorials disguised as news reporting.

The Star's lame excuse for abrogating the right of its readers to speak their minds is that they want to "highlight [in some other space] the most thoughtful, insightful and provocative comments from readers", by which Walt thinks they mean comments that have been thoroughly vetted to ensure that they agree with the paper's liberal editorial policy. What a load...

Footnote: The comments feature of Walt Whiteman's World is still operational. If you're on the home/landing page and want to leave a comment on a post, just click on the headline and the article will open up as a new tab or window, complete with a box in which you can write what's on your mind.
Note from Ed.: I do moderate those comments! That doesn't mean we never show opposing opinions. It just means that if you call Walt a "racist bastard", I won't publish your insult... even though you may be right!

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