Friday, November 13, 2015

Paris jihadist attacks result of suicidal stupidity

Let me ask you a question. If a man (or woman) dressed in black, with his (or her) face covered by a mask (or burqa), knocked on your front door and shouted, "Let me in!"... would you do so?

That's what the French did, following the dismemberment of their empire and the loss of their colonies in the Middle East and North Africa, notably Algeria in 1962. It was in the post-colonial spirit of redressing the many evils visited on the poor Arabs and Africans and by the white, Christian (French)man that the liberals who succeeded de Gaulle opened the borders to every Lebanese, Syrian, Tunisian, Moroccan and Algerian who claimed that they were French at heart. Then came the ideals and rules of the European Union, which say that no-one should be refused entry to Europe because of race, colour or creed.

Today, France is full of Muslims of Middle Eastern and African descent. And today, just as Charles de Gaulle predicted in 1959, France is no longer France. See "Muslim 'no-go' zones in France -- the failure of multicult" (WWW 25/10/13 -- includes video)

In that post I wrote "Don't say you weren't warned!" A little more than a year later, France started experiencing "lone wolf" attacks. See "Meanwhile in France... another Muslim 'lone wolf'". (WWW 21/12/14) Then came Charlie Hebdo. And now a number of "co-ordinated attacks" across Paris, which, as I write, have taken at least four dozen lives.

As I write, I am trying to get through to my agent in Paris -- I do have one -- to get a line on what the French media are saying. The North American lamestream meeja have used the words "terrorists", but have refrained from using the M-word or the I-word. Mustn't stir up Islamophobia, you know, or jeopardize the good will being showing to the hundreds of thousands of, errr, Muslims who are this very moment making their way into Europe.

The Prez has just made a televised statement in which he called "liberté, égalité and [sic] fraternité" "universal values", meaning values shared by everyone. He is wrong. The values of liberty, equality and fraternity -- the brotherhood of man and all that -- may still be espoused in the post-Christian, secular humanist West, but they are alien to Islam and to the Muslims who are flooding into our countries.

Are these aliens -- for that's what they are -- going to adapt themselves to our values? No! They are going to make us adapt ourselves to their values! Is anyone -- any Western government -- going to do anything to remedy the suicidal stupidity of our immigration and "human rights" policies and restore the rights of the majority? Will the French government lead the way? Don't bet on it.

In that last paragraph, I speak of the socialist government of François Hollande. Therefore I speak of the immediate future -- like tomorrow -- because if today's events don't guarantee the election of Marine Le Pen and the Front National the next time around, nothing will! Lifetime pct .982.

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