Tuesday, October 13, 2015

German "Willkommenskultur" worn thin by ill-fitting "refugees"

Looks like German Chancellor Angela Merkel won't be winning the Nobel Peace Prize after all. Just last month she was rumored to be a strong contender for having opened the Fatherland's doors to a tsunami of Arab and African "refugees". "Asylum has no upper limit", she told the Herrenvolk. Besides, she argued, even if they're not all real refugees, Germany needs immigrants to work and pay taxes and support the aging native-born population.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? It's the same line being pushed throughout western Europe and North America by politically correct politicians and the liberal mainstream media. The stone truth is that "immigration is good for the host countries" is the veriest bullshit -- one of the greatest lies being of the last half-century.

Just today, the Toronto Red Star -- the official organ of the Canadian immigration and multicult lobbies -- has a lengthy article headed "Toronto holds onto its shameful title: Child poverty capital of Canada". The article is chock-full of statistics which prove, inter alia, that the "pockets of poverty" in Toronto the good coincide geographically with the ghettos which are home to tens of thousands of immigrants from Somali, Jamaica and other third-world shitholes. Here's one of them now...

Meet Hawo Ali, aged 53, who immigrated from Somalia in 1992. She had five children when she came to Canada, and has added another six since -- total 11. It might have been more, but her husband left her in 1999, leaving her to raise all those kids alone. She sells samosas and does a bit of sewing to raise a bit of income, and Walt says good for her. Any additional money to needed to keep a roof over her family's heads and food in their bellies, and pay for her and their education and health care, comes from Canadian taxpayers. Net benefit to Canada? Negative!

As many as 10,000 migrants like Ms Ali are arriving in Germany every day, according to Margaret Wente's article in today's Globe and Mail. She tells us that "Smugglers are bringing in underage children and dropping them off by the side of the highways in the middle of the night. Public services are overwhelmed. School authorities say they need 25,000 new teachers for the kids. Local officials are scrounging for places to house people. They say they’ve reached the limit."

Ms Wente refutes the claim of the liberal elites that Germany needs migrants "to subsidize their pensions, replenish their aging population and address a growing shortage of skilled workers. That would make sense [she writes] if the migrants were a lot like Germans. But they’re not. Only a small number of the newcomers are well-educated professionals. Many more are illiterate, traumatized, children, or old. The majority are young men, with few skills and nothing to do. Almost none speak German. They are a poor fit with Germany’s highly skilled, rigidly structured labour market.

"Their cultural values are a poor fit, too. As one editorial writer commented, 'Ultra-religious Muslims – and Christians – are coming face to face with a society that is indifferent to religion. Newcomers with rigid moral codes must learn to deal with the fact that in Germany gay people can openly kiss each other.'

"The refugees are also a poor fit with one another. There are Muslims and Christians, Sunnis and Shiites, Kurds, Albanians and Kosovars. They bring their ethnic tensions with them. Clashes are common in the overcrowded refugee shelters. Police say that the task of reconciling refugee factions and protecting immigrants from right-wing German groups has pushed them to their limits."

"Leaders across Europe are discovering [Ms Wente concludes] that high-minded ideals and lofty sentiments aren’t enough to persuade the public that open doors and porous borders are a good thing. And even people who admire Ms. Merkel are wondering if she has made the biggest blunder of her career."

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