Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Drunk driver mistakes police cruiser for taxi, winds up in jail

Every now and then we get a good dumber-than-dumb story. This one comes to us from Abbotsford BC, where an unnamed gentleman, obviously tired and emotional, failed to recognize this car for what it is.

Well, yeah... It's a police cruiser! Duhhhhh! But I guess it's possible it could be mistaken for a taxi... at night... in the dark... with drink taken.

The gentleman was the worse for wear, but not so much so that he failed to realize he was in no condition to drive. That's why he jumped into the back seat of the cruiser. "Get me out of here buddy," he told the astonished constable, "there’s cops everywhere!"

The cop took him, all right... straight to the local hoosegow.

Abbotsford police are showing their sense of humour [Cops with a sense of humour? Ed.] by posting memes of bizarre happenings on social media for "Driving Excuses Week". "This kind of thing happens more often than you'd think," they tweeted after posting this one.

Walt reminds all WWW readers: Don't drink and drive! (You might spill some.)

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