Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hellery Clinton, champion of everyday Americans

Once again, Walt is unable to resist the temptation to share an excellent editorial cartoon by the Globe and Mail's Brian Gable.

Canuck readers will geddit instantly. For those south of the world's longest undefended (?) border, "The Camembert is cold" refers to the complaint of a fat, old, privileged, lesbian Canadian senator, who was criticized by auditors for having billed taxpayers for a breakfast, when (the beancounters said) she could have eaten the breakfast served on the airline as she flew from Toronto to Ottawa. To which Nancy Ruth (née Jackman) -- for it was she -- replied, channelling Marie Antoinette, "Those breakfasts are pretty awful. If you want ice-cold Camembert with broken crackers, have it."

Any suggestion that any of the adjectives used by Walt to describe Ms Ruth are meant to apply to Ms Clinton is, of course, completely without foundation.

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