Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Walt's favourite Mexican joke

Ed. here. Walt's been a little under the weather (or so he says) and the news is depressing, so I'm going to tell you one of Walt's favourite jokes.

In the dusty little capital of an obscure Mexican state, two Mexicans (or course) -- Juan and Miguel -- are sitting on their haunches at the side of the main street, doing nothing in particular, when the most important man in the town, Don Felipe, rides by on his horse. As he passes, he tips his hat and says "Buenos dias, Miguel!"

Amazed, Juan asks Miguel, "You know Don Felipe? He knows you?!"

"Of course I know Don Felipe," replies Miguel. "Jos de odder day, I'm sitting right here, all by myself, doing notting, when Don Felipe rides by, jos like today. But dat day he stops in front of me, leans over and says, 'Miguel Ramirez, ees it true you are escrewing my wife?!'

"What could I say? Eet ees true, so I admit it, like a man. Den Don Felipe pulls out his pistola, points it at me, an says, 'I'll teach you a lesson! You get down dere behind my horse and eat some of dose bollas my horse has jos dropped on de road!'

"What could I do? I get down behind de horse and I start to eat de horse bollas! But den, Don Felipe is laughing so hard dat he drop heez pistola! So I grab it and point it at heem and I say, 'OK, big shot, now it's your turn! You get down off dat horse and YOU eat de horse bollas!' And he do it...

"So how can you ask me if I know Don Felipe? Why, jos de odder day I had lunch with him!"

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