Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Once more unto the breach" (not Henry V, but Obama I)

Walt usually tries to write his own commentaries on the issues of the day, or at least append a few pithy [sp? Ed.] comments to the opinions of others. But today I'm feeling lazy. Besides, I can't think of a single word to add to or improve on " U.S. is off to a war that doesn't make sense – again" by Washington-based Neil Macdonald, senior correspondent for CBC News. I'll give you just the first few lines, for the flavour of his insightful piece, and leave you to read the rest on your own.

"America is going to war again. People are scared again.
"The American news media have a scary monster in the Middle East again, and commentators are practically saluting on air. Again.
"Dick Cheney, smirking, is back onstage. Last week, at a speech in Washington, he called for immediate military action, 'sustained … across several fronts.'
"'The president must understand we are at war,' he declared, relishing the new moment. 'We must do what it takes, for as long as it takes, to win.'
"At about the same time, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was speaking in Manhattan.
"'At present,' said Johnson, who is actually in office and whose entire job is protecting America, 'we have no credible information that ISIS is planning to attack the homeland of the United States.'
"Johnson may as well have been dancing a jig, for all anyone noticed."

What are you waiting for? Click on either of the links above, and read the whole piece.

And please...don't get me wrong. I hold no brief for ISIS or Al-Qaeda or Al-Shabab or Boko Haram or any other fanatical, barbaric Muslims. See "Islam 'the religion of peace'? Politically correct madness!" Damn the lot of them and damn their jihad!

But... and I believe this is what Mr. Macdonald is driving at... half-measures are not going to win this round of the war between the Muslims and the rest of us, no more than they did in Iraq (the first time) or Afghanistan. You (Mr. President!) cannot say, let others -- preferably other Muslims -- do the fighting, and we'll hold their coats (or turbans). If we -- the coalition of the willing (???) -- are going back into the sandpit, we'd better go in with everything we've got...go in to win!

Note from Ed.: That turned out to be a pretty pithy comment after all.

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