Monday, January 6, 2014

Pope Francis worries about children of divorced and gay couples

If you feel a little light-headed today, it could be because the world is turning upside down. What was normal is now abnormal, and vice versa. And I do mean vice.

Last week the husband of an Ontario politician died. The politician was a great friend of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, the proud lesbian, and a former member of the province's too-Liberal government. His [sic]name is George Smitherman. Walt doesn't know whether to call him "Mr" or "Ms". What do you call the, errr, "female" half of a homosexual "marriage"? How do you even tell which is which? Maybe it depends who's on top.

What about the children? Curious George and his late "husband" had kids, albeit from a previous "straight" marriage entered into by one of them before he decided he was gay. [How come we call them "gay", rather than "homosexual"? Is "homosexual" the new n-word. Ed.] But under Ontario's progressive family laws, they could have adopted a child, a nice little boy perhaps.

Shouldn't society as a whole, and the Church in particular, be doing something special for the children of gay couples? According to Agence France Presse, that's the concern that's at the top of the mind [forgive the overstatement. Ed.] of Francis the Party Pope.

The Holy Father has called for a rethink in the way the Church deals with the children of gay couples and divorced-and-remarried parents, lest they feel rejected because the Church considers there might be something wrong with their parents' relationship. (Whether this is still Church teaching is debatable, thanks to the confusion caused by Francis' quasi-magisterial interviews.)

In a speech to the Catholic Union of Superiors-General, published on Saturday, the Pope said, "On an educational level, gay unions raise challenges for us today which for us are sometimes difficult to understand." No arguing with that. But, he added, family make-ups are also changing. "I remember a case in which a sad little girl confessed to her teacher, 'My mother’s girlfriend doesn’t love me.'" Cazart! How awful! The poor kid has only one mommy instead of two!

The pontiff told the educational leaders "We must be careful not to administer a vaccine against faith" to the children of gay and divorced couples. Walt thinks it a pity that there's no vaccine against sexual depravity...or stupidity.

Pope Francis, the darling of "progressive thinkers" and the LGBT crowd for his willingness to "embrace diversity" -- "Who am I to judge?" -- has also called an extraordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops next year to discuss the Church’s position with regard to the family. The gathering is expected to address inter alia the "problem" of divorced Catholics remarrying and of the children of divorced parents.

Comment from John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News:

With the extensive rot crumbling the Church? Heterodox theologians in positions of influence? "Catholic" universities where our children’s faith is destroyed rather than buttressed, lunatic and scandalous liturgies, tens of thousands of parents who have to homeschool at great personal sacrifice because we can’t trust the curriculum our own bishops give us, "Catholic" politicians who support contraception, abortion and homosexuality and remain Catholics “in good standing”, catastrophic worldwide doctrinal confusion among the faithful... this is what is important to Francis?

This is delirium straight from the sickbed! He is truly a "Martini" pope, as this is the type of thing that was important to the radical Martini, all in the name of "compassion".

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