Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hey whitey! You'll never work for the CBC again!

Canadians who listen to the CBC -- and yes, there are many -- are aware of its blatant liberal (and Liberal) bias in favour of all things politically correct.

Examples include CBC Radio's Toronto flagship station, proudly "sounding like Toronto looks", which means speaking with incomprehensible Caribbean and South Asian accents. For a while there they couldn't figure out how to pander to the LGBT community, but recently they've hired a couple of audibly gay "news reporters" -- Jermaine and Trevor -- who lisp their way through their cute little stories.

Even Hockey Night in Canada -- happy 60th anniversary!!! -- has a PC lineup of "analysts", including one blonde bimbo who seems unfamiliar with the players, and one black ex-player who is very careful not to sound too black.

That's right, nobody celebrates diversity like the CBC. But now we finally  have confirmation of our suspicions that diversity and "minorities" are being promoted to the exclusion of straight white males. If you're one of those -- now an endangered species in Toronto -- you can forget about working for the CBC.

Where's Walt's proof? Why, right here!

That's a recruitment ad for the host of a children’s show -- Patty and Mamma Yama. It was placed on Craigslist by Larissa Mair Casting and Associates Inc., a casting agency hired by "Kids'CBC", whose logo appears in the ad.

In case you're having trouble reading it, the ad says you should "...only submit [an audition tape] if you match the following criteria: Male between the ages of 23-35 years; Any race except Caucasian."

A new version of the ad removes the race reference, but maintains the sex and age criteria, which Agent 3 says is contrary to Ontario's labour standards laws and the province's human rights code.

Why would the casting agency flout the laws enacted years ago to protect everyone from discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, age etc etc? Larissa Mair, the agency's chief cook and bottlewasher, is prepared to take the fall. She told the National Post "We were asked to seek a cast of diversity. We mistakenly took that to mean that the production was not seeking Caucasian actors. This was a mistake that was made entirely by the casting company."

Pretty big of Ms Mair to carry the can, because the truth is that the original ad is right on the money in its description of the kind of on-air personalities the CBC wants -- any race except white! Let's hear from Chuck "Chuck" Thompson, head of media relations for CBC English Services:
"At CBC, inclusion and diversity is a priority. This means reflecting Canada and its regions as well as the country’s multicultural and multiracial nature... We are now reaching out to our partners in production to ensure that a concerted and documented effort be made…to cast actors who reflect Canada’s diversity."

In other words, no whites need apply. Any white man who has applied for this or any other in-front-of-the-camera job at CBC and got as far as the interview stage is invited to let Walt know. I'm always happy to set the record straight. (Lifetime pct .990)

Update: Further proof positive of the CBC's anti-white anti-male bias emerged today. Check out "The CBC’s ‘no whites’ policy is a mistake, but no accident" by Matt Gurney, in today's National Post. Matt! Take it to the Human Rights Commission!

And just by coincidence... the mailman [letter carrier! Ed.] brought Walt's Economist today. Its cover story is a "briefing" called "Time to scrap affirmative action". There's an editorial (or "leader", as the Brits say) with the same title. Here's a quote: "If Barack Obama's daughters apply to a university, judge them on their academic prowess, not the colour of their skin." More on this anon.

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