Friday, October 12, 2012

A new word to describe American politics

The ever-reliable Agent 6 [You're making him sound like a flashlight battery! Ed.] passes along the following item, which he thinks is worth sharing. Walt agrees.

This would probably be funny if it were NOT true. At last we have a new (and appropriate) word to describe the political situation which obtains in the US of A today. Couldn't find it in my old Webster's dictionary so I Googled it and discovered it is a recently "coined" new word, found on T-shirts on eBay.

Read this over slowly and absorb the facts that are within this definition! I love this word and believe that it will become a recognized English word after the 2012 elections.

AND -- this just occurred to me -- the Democrats and lamestream media are making a lot of noise about Romney's wealth, but I don't recall such bluster and hand-wringing over the Kennedy fortune. Or John Kerry's wealth. Nor do they mention that John Kerry gave virtually nothing to charity while Romney gave something on the order of $4 million, in addition to his entire inheritance from his father, which even Jojo the Laughing Boy acknowledged in last night's debate.

Also, Romney worked for his money. Kennedy inherited his. And Kerry married it.

Oh... Wait... I just remembered. Romney is Republican. Kerry and the Kennedys are Democrats! Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with MINE!

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