Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Israel won't nuke Iran until after US election

Walt can reveal that "Battlin' Bibi" Netanyahu won't unleash the dogs of war on Iran until after the US election.

He is hot to trot, and sooner rather than later. Yesterday Bibi reacted angrily to Hellery Clinton's statement that there's no deadline for resolution of the impasse between Iran and the West. At a presser in Jerusalem (which the Democrats remind us is Israel's capital), Netanyahu said that a "red line" must be drawn in front of Iran, and that those who refuse to draw that red line can hardly show a "red light" to Israel. In other words, "try and stop us!"

However, "the Zionist entity" hasn't the military capacity to finish off Iran on its own. It's widely believed that the Jews do have nuclear strike capability, but being the first to drop the Big One since the Americans obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki would not improve Israel's standing in the international community.

So Israel is counting on the USA (and its running dogs like Canada) to finish the war they intend to start -- this in spite of the demonstrated inability of the West to accomplish similar missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And the Israelis know they can depend on their great and good friend, Al O'Bama, to send in the Marines or Seals or whatever when the time is right. And there's the hitch. The run-up to the presidential election is not the right time to force the incumbent to substitute action for promises.

Obama needs the Jewish vote in Dade County to win Florida, and he needs Florida to win the nation. So naturally he and his party say all the right things about Iran being a rogue state, a sponsor of terrorism, and so on and so forth. And, they promise, one of these days we're going to do something about it.

But if that day comes -- on Hallowe'en, let's say -- and orders have to be given to commit American dollars, American matériel and American troops, Obama will need Congress and, ultimately, the American people to approve. Walt doesn't see that approval forthcoming.

So now we have the spectacle of the President of the Most Powerful Nation on Earth avoiding any meeting or conversation with the Prime Minister of the Most Jewish Nation on Earth. Bibi is coming to the USA later this month, to speak at the United Nations, for all the good that may do. Unfortunately, the Prez won't be addressing the UN that day, and has other engagements in other cities all week.

Click here to read the Reuters analysis of why Obama doesn't want to meet Netanyahu. Or let Walt explain more simply. It's like seeing a poor relative pulling into your driveway. You know if you let him in the house he's going to ask you for something, so you quick pull down the shades, turn out the lights and pretend nobody's home.

The lights in the White House will be turned back on, and the windowshades lifted, on November 7th. What worries Netanyahu is... who will be inside?

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