Thursday, May 17, 2012

VIDEO: Enslaved by our banks: 12-year-old Canuck explains

Canada’s banks have been called the safest in the world. Better than American banks, and certainly better than the banks of Europe. But safe for whom? For shareholders and bank executives, that's who!

A Canadian student, 12-year-old Victoria Grant of Cambridge ON, has gained incredible fame (or, in banking circles, notoriety) for stating the obvious, i.e. that the banks -- Canadian, American, and European -- are the fattest of all capitalist cats, amassing riches of which Croesus could only dream on the banks of us "ordinary people".

There are probably no more than eight people on the planet who haven't seen Victoria's rant on the Internet, but in case you're one of them, here's a video of her address to the Public Banking in America Conference in Philadelphia at the end of April.

Victoria talks about money -- wealth -- being created by a few keyboard strokes on the central bankers' computers. Sounds as if she's been thinking about the concept Ron McPherson calls Facilitism, mentioned here before.

We continue to be frightened this week by "news" that Europe is still teetering on the brink of a financial crisis. We common folk -- not just Greeks but all of us -- will have to tighten our belts still further because if we don't, Greece and other fiscally imprudent countries may not be able to pay the debt they owe to... errr... the banks. What will be the result? Our taxes will go up, our standard of living (especially health care) will go down... and the banks will be paid.

In Freedom's Dawning, Ron McPherson claims Facilitism can eliminate taxes, eeradicate poverty, produce jobs for all, and give us free education and health care. Maybe it's time to read it, and give some more thought to the whole concept of banking and artificially created debt.

1 comment:

  1. Have read Freedom's Dawning,and I mention it to everyone I know. McPherson should be on every television and radio program in existence. And in every classroom.
    Problem is politicians and bankers, and the men behind the scenes would not be thrilled with his concept. Greed, power and control creates fear,war,and chaos which they are good at.
    Politicians and the decision makers know if you keep the people worried about jobs, food and a roof over their head you can get away with anything.
    Bring on Freedom's Dawning!!!!
