Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Zimmerman takes early lead in race for Brass Neck Award

For some time now, Walt has been toying with the idea of instituting a Brass Neck Award, for the person showing the most unmitigated gall, brazen audacity, or nerve of a canal horse in handling a situation from which mere mortals would flee in embarrassment.

Swiping a name or concept from someone else would get you an entry in the contest, but only if you pass it off as your own and stand by that claim even when challenged. Since I'm admitting that I saw the name "Brass Neck Award" in Private Eye, and decided I couldn't improve on it, I don't qualify.

Many politicians spring to mind instantly. Newt Gingrich for instance. But let's try not to think about him. How about Canadian prime minister "Call me Steve" Harper, who last week refused three times to answer a question about whether he had deliberately misled Parliament (and the Canadian people) on the true cost of the ridiculously expensive F-35 fighter jets which Canada proposes to purchase from Lockheed-Martin. Quoth Mr. Harpoon, "No money has actually been spent yet, so there's no problem."

That's pretty bad. But this weekend a humble, ordinary, working-class American came to the front of the pack, by launching a website (of course) portraying himself as the real victim in a killing committed by, errr, himself.

I refer of course, to George Zimmerman, the murderer of Trayvon Martin. The Z-man's website not only gives his side of the story -- "I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life..." -- but also invites readers to use PayPal to give him their financial support. "Any funds provided are used only for living expenses and legal defense, in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment,” Mr. Zimmerman explains.

Unlike shooting an unarmed black kid, Mr. Z's latest act took real stones. But let's not rush to judgment. Others have seven-plus months to demonstrate even more unmitigated gall etc etc.

Footnote from Ed.: Readers are invited to use PayPal to support Walt in his worthy endeavours. See panel at right of screen!

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