Monday, March 12, 2012

"You have two cows..." (for Canucks)

Further to yesterday's update of the old "You have two cows" study of economic systems, Agent 3 has filled in the blank for Canada.

You have two cows. Vous avez deux vaches. You pay HST on the cows, your milking machine, their feed and the water they drink. You sell government-inspected milk in government-inspected containers by the government-mandated litre, and you charge HST on the milk.

You spend hours every week completing government information forms, tax returns and applications for assistance. When your tax assessment comes, you are obliged to sell one of the cows to pay your accountant and what's owing on the taxes.

You go broke and apply for welfare. You are refused because you still have one cow. You starve to death. So does the cow.

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