Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mad as a March, errr, soldier?

On 16 March 1968, American troops killed about 425 (give or take) unarmed Vietnamese civilians in what became known as the Son My (or My Lai) Massacre. Most of the victims were women, children (including babies), and elderly people. Some of the bodies were later found to be mutilated.

Second Lieutenant William Calley, a platoon leader in "Charlie" Company of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, singlehandedly killed 22 villagers, for which cowardly act he was punished according to American justice, and served three and a half years under house arrest.

Some apologists for the military thought Calley must have been crazy. The stress of war and all that. Poor boy. Or maybe he just hated gooks. Anyway, we were told, this was a one-off incident, perpetrated by a deranged individual -- wonder who killed the other 400? -- and would never happen again.

Now Associated Press reports that a US "service member" -- Lt. William Calley Jr. [Ed., please check name] -- walked out of a base in southern Afghanistan before dawn today and started shooting Afghan civilians. Villagers showed an Associated Press photographer 15 bodies, including women and children, who they say were killed by the American.

NATO officials have issued the customary profuse apology, in a mimeographed letter "to whom it may concern". Reprisals can certainly be expected. Stay tuned.

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