Monday, October 17, 2011

Latest from Pat Buchanan on immigration

Pat Buchanan, once a contender for the Republican presidential nomination and still something of a media giant, appeared today on The Arena, on Canada's new cable outlet, Sun News TV. Here's what he had to say about what's happened to the USA.

"The transformation [of America] has been dramatic and unique in our history, and the reason America has and will lose its greatness is that we are no longer unified. Anybody can become a good American, coming from anywhere in the world. But whereas in the past we asked them to become American, now we encourage America to become like them.

"We've given away what made us one. Faith, symbols of unity, the European, overwhelmingly Christian heritage of the majority who were and made the country. People could be who and what they liked, but they had to know what the national core values and identity were. No longer."

It's a theme many Canadians might embrace, says host Michael Coren, but if they did so they're be accused or racism and fascism. Buchanan laughs. "Sure, and so have I! It's nonsense, but it's still said. Look, we need in the US to implement zero immigration policies. Now. And that has to stand until we reduce unemployment levels to something much more reasonable and manageable."

Mr. Buchanan was plugging his new book, Suicide of a Superpower. You can read more about the interview and the book here. Coren sums up, "[Buchanan's] opinions...are realistic to the point of pessimism. The United States will not be the power we have known, and the vacuum it leaves, he argues, will be filled by any number of ambitious rivals, all dominant in their own areas. It's a sobering truth, and one that unsettles the status quo. It's that, I suppose, that makes his voice so compelling and necessary."

Footnote: Sun News is carried on most Canadian cable networks, but not on the country's major satellite service, Bell. "Progressive thinkers" and liberal loonies have dubbed Sun "Fox News North". Is that why Bell won't give it one of its 500 or so channels? If you're a Bell Expressvu subscriber, and you're not getting "quality you can count on", get hold of Bell and ask them. [And lots o' luck getting to talk to a real person! Ed.]

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