Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't buy gas on April 15th!

I don't hear very often from Agent 38, but today received a plea to join a continent-wide gas boycott on Friday, April 15th. Here's the story...

In April 1997, there was a "gas-out" conducted nationwide to protest ever-increasing gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

Gas is now averaging around $1.30 per litre in Canada. In the USA, on the weekend, I paid nearly $3.80 per gallon -- about 95 cents Canadian per litre, for you Canucks. Don't say it can't be helped. A large chunk of the price of gas is attributable to taxes, especially in Canada. So it IS something the government can fix...if it wants to.

To bring the point home, everyone is asked to not go to a gas station on April 15th. If no-one buys gas on that day, $2,292,000,000.00 (that's over 2 BILLION BUCKS) will be taken out of the oil companies' pockets.

Yes, for just one day. So please, could we try on the 15th and to put a dent in the oil industry so they'll go crying to the government? Obviously the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the ordinary people isn't being heard, but you can bet the Big Oil lobby has the government's collective ear.

If you agree -- and why wouldn't you? -- please forward this to all your contacts. We can do it! If you're running low on the 13th, gas up on the 14th or wait until the 16th. But let's make April 15th a gas-free day!

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