Thursday, May 20, 2010

Toronto mayor opens outhouse - Leafs to remain at ACC

To Toronto yesterday for the grand opening of Toronto's first automated, self-cleaning, public toilet. Like Samuel Pepys' mid-17th-century London, Toronto the Good has long been notorious as a not-so-good city in which to be caught short. Now all that has been remedied.

You've heard of politicians so keen to be in the public eye that they'd cut the ribbon of a one-hole shithouse? Well, Toronto's lame duck mayor, David Miller, did just that, but declined to be the first to, erm, avail himself of the facililty. Perhaps he didn't have a quarter.

So far Toronto has just one (1) of these magnificent structures. At a cost of $400,000 per, Walt guesses there won't be too many more. I predict that users of Toronto's alleys, lanes and parking lots will continue having to step around numerous "illegal puddles", as always.

Footnote 1: Walt forgot his camera. The toilet pictured is actually in Vancouver. But when you've seen one, you've seen `em all

Footnote 2: Although the new facility is only a few blocks from the Air Canada Centre, the Toronto Maple Leafs are not expected to go into the crapper until November or December.

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