Saturday, January 16, 2010

One person's view of fast-tracking immigrants from disaster zones

"Job of the book" posted this comment on the Globe & Mail 's online report of Haitian immigrants being fast-tracked because of the earthquake.

This is not an ok idea. We are having a hard enough time bringing in the kids of immigrants we want, and now we're going to increase the numbers from an area that has excessive gang violence?

Let's face some facts. Immigration isn't about letting in anyone and everyone out of charity. It's about bringing in people we want to contribute to our society because we think they will contribute positively to this society. Add to it rather than detract from it.

For example, it would not be a good idea to give citizenship to someone with AIDS because of the amount of money that sucks out of the system. They will never be able to repay it really. It's a financial drain. You can harp about the morals all you like, but the fact is we want people who will contribute more than they take.

To that end, I would like to see a repeal of that family reunification legislation that gets used by people to bring over their elderly parents for free health care when nothing from them will be put back into society.

I would also like to see priority given to people who already have degrees and will just straight up contribute to this society. There's a limited number of resources available here in the form of tax dollars, and it has to be spread around as much as possible.

I'd also like to see that spots for grad schools, especially medical school, are reserved for Canadian citizens. We fund/subsidize med schools because we NEED doctors. It's stupid to then give the spot away (not even the money, just the spot) to someone who will then leave the country.

Though, since a sizable number of Canadians do the same, going to the U.S. to make money and returning once they have a family that could use the socialized services here, I'm also going to propose that med students, as part of their agreement to attend these med schools, must then practice their first 10 years in Canada. Doesn't matter where in Canada, but no leaving the country.

We aren't providing charity, it's an investment!!!!

Click here to read the article, and literally hundreds of comments in the same vein.

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